“To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits, and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.”

- Picabo Street, Olympic Champion, Skier



Being an outstanding leader is much more complex than having a certain set of skills or demonstrating a particular type of behavior - it’s about empowering an entire high performing team – exactly the environment Olympians train in each and every day. 

We build custom leadership sessions that address your company’s unique challenges and goals to ensure future success and empower your leaders to be their very BEST.



Building a Sense of Community
and Company Culture
Corporate culture is the backbone of every successful organization. Having a culture that recruits, motivates and most importantly, retains top talent can lead to 33% higher revenue. The only constant in our current environment is change and it’s imperative that leaders create an encouraging, creative, respectful and engaging workplace that greatly values employee happiness.
Solidifying Your Mental
Toughness and Focus
What makes a good leader great? We believe that when decisions are critical or pressure is mounting, good leaders discuss problems and their frustrations. Great leaders consistently focus on solutions and positive changes that need to be made, even in the face of compounding consequences. Most of us are not born with mental toughness and increased focus, rather it is a skill we must learn, develop and constantly practice.
Goal Setting for Sustained Success
Setting goals is extraordinarily important for any organization because goals give leaders both a solid long-term vision and all-important short-term motivation. No need for eye-rolling. This is more than the usual write-it-down-and-chuck-it approach you’ve probably tried in the past. As Olympians we know what it means to live your goals. We help you dive MUCH deeper and set goals with your 5 senses. This way you too will learn to bring your goals to life. When you truly envision your success, you are much more invested in achieving it!
Creativity and Innovation
Extremely successful organizations that seem to weather storms easily are the ones that allow their leaders and teams to be creative, to seek out that next big idea, design the next new product or solve a really complex problem. But just as important as creativity, is to have the innovation to be able to implement that creativity. Successful leaders apply creativity and innovation to every aspect of their job, allowing them to easily pivot in a changing marketplace, stay ahead of their competition and set them up for consistent long-term success.
Adapting to a
Changing Environment
As they say these days, the only constant is change. HOW the best leaders react to change is where our focus needs to be. Understanding that what worked in the past may no longer work in the future, setting expectations early and taking ownership are key ingredients to help ensure long-term success. We can’t predict the future but we can provide our leaders with the tools necessary to adapt and then support them as they reflect on the choices they made.
Leading with
Honesty and Integrity
We believe that a leader’s most valuable qualities are honesty and integrity. Building trust within an organization is difficult. But when leaders follow through on promises and honor commitments all while demonstrating the values they feel are important: trust and inspiration within the team soars!
Communicating is Key
Communication between a leader and their team is often less about the actual words spoken than it is about HOW those words or thoughts are expressed. In fact over 85% of communication happens with nonverbal cues. So it follows that an open, transparent culture will naturally foster an open approach to communication. An organization’s communication style is an inherent extension of its culture.
Accountability is the cornerstone for every great organization. Championing a culture of accountability within a team builds trust, inspires confidence, promotes ownership and most importantly improves performance. Every single one of us makes mistakes, but owning up to those mistakes in a positive way with a growth mindset is essential. Accountability gives your leaders the power to create and allows them the freedom to be their best!

